Tuition: $275
Sign up as a twosome! Bring a partner, friend or family member with you and save!
Twosome price: $500
Seats are non-refundable but transferable.
Seating is limited. Early sign-up recommended.
Learn a revolutionary approach to speaking up, establishing rapport and resolving differences. Radically shift your experience of communication with this liberating, transformational and dynamic practice rooted in spiritual and emotional intelligence.
Break through limiting thought and speech patterns established through social conditioning, and replace them with a powerful way of communicating that is deeply satisfying, life honouring and creatively liberating. Come with an open your mind so you can experience the power of vibrant, authentic connection with yourself and others.
Hi I'm Rachelle ..
I've been teaching Nonviolent Communication for over 14 years .. and during that time I have continued to learn and reach down into the dirt of living, turning the soil over and over as it relates to conflict, relationships, social conditioning, justice, critical thought, compassionate action and ultimately what it means to be human, especially in such times as we now find ourselves living .. a time which consistently tests us with its myriad of distractions, overwhelming pressures and tragic news.
This is all "big picture" stuff and yet it's inextricably relevant to how we converse with each other, be it friends, lovers, children, family, colleagues, neighbours, enemies .. our entire canvas of relating falls prey to the indifferent paintbrush of the dominant culture.
During spring in Denmark, flocks of more than a million European starlings gather into a single group to form incredibly large and intricate shapes in the sky. These amazing scenes are only possible because of the flock’s amazing communication and coordination.
We are awash in culture and so many of its toxins are absorbed into the gill of our hearts having a direct impact on our relationships. Tensions all too often make a sudden unwelcome appearance on the scene, words are spoken that can't be taken back .. or nothing is said out of paralysis from fear. We're often faced with catch 22 and left unchecked, these tensions lead to conflict that eventually erodes the relationship.
Psychologist Abraham Maslow said, "If the only tool you have is a hammer, then everything looks like a nail." So too with speech. Because we learn to speak before we learn to think, we have no ability to assess whether or not, during our early formative years, the communication and relating skills we acquire hold the standard we would now as adults ultimately assign ourselves.
As counter-intuitive as it sounds, we actually need to learn to speak AFTER we learn to speak! Otherwise the perilous habits that have long laid claim to us will continue to snare us and wreak havoc in our lives. One of the greatest gifts we can give to ourselves, others and to this world is our well-honed, well considered, caring, responsible and articulate speech.
This workshop is for you if you can relate to any one of these:
- You feel stuck in your life
- You feel stuck in your primary relationship
- Your kids won't listen to you
- Your partner won't listen to you
- You don't have the guts to speak up
- You say things you regret
- You feel resentful
- You handle conflict poorly (freeze/fight/flight)
- You feel anger/despair about the world
- You're convinced something's missing but you're not sure what
- You're disillusioned with life and/or relationships
- You're disillusioned with healing, personal growth and self-help
- You feel disempowered in your relationships or within the "system"
- You're ready to develop mastery in your communication
- You want to become a more effective leader
- You want to change the world (yep, still a noble pursuit)
This workshop is not for you if:
- You navigate conflict with exemplary grace and mastery and can remain open and engaged in the midst of verbal "attack"
- Your life can be described as almost perfect and when you look around you ..
- You're fully convinced that the world will course correct without any intervention
“Come, come, whoever you are,
wanderer, worshiper, lover of leaving,
it doesn’t matter.
Ours is not a caravan of despair.
Come, even if you have broken your vow a hundred times.
Come, come again, come.”
My promise to you:
- I will shake up your existing paradigm around communication (a good thing because the dominant paradigm generates problems for us)
- I will challenge you to think waaaaaaay outside the box (key to making breakthroughs)
- You will acquire skills that you can implement straight away with positive outcome
- You will have a new lens from which to view yourself, your relationships and the world
- Your ability to think critically will be strengthened as will your capacity to respond compassionately
- You'll have a much clearer understanding of the mechanics of conflict and learn to lean into it with ingenuity and creativity
- You'll be moved, a few times (hopefully)
- You'll laugh, a few times (hopefully)
- Alienating thinking and language (our cultural inheritance)
- You don't need to be "healed" .. identifying the "trauma" of our times
- Speaking with compelling honesty and moxy
- Understanding the mechanics of defensiveness
- When "safety" and "non-judgement" become a trap
- Addressing interpersonal tension skillfully and constructively
- Balancing clear intention/direction with openness and flexibility
- Empathy that liberates versus empathy that stifles
- Mourning and Gratitude as essential anchors
This workshop is for all who speak. It is intended for anyone willing to do the work to significantly enhance and transform personal and professional relationships for the better. This includes artists, counsellors, couples, creatives, educators, leaders, managers, parents, mediators and those committed to social change. All who yearn for how this world could be.
Rachelle Lamb is a speaker, writer, spiritual activist and 'relationship whisperer'. She has shown thousands how to courageously and skillfully navigate interpersonal conflict and challenges, leading very often to profound breakthrough.
"Engaging, dynamic, transformational, liberating … a must attend!"
"A workshop that truly speaks to the heart!! A wonderful opportunity for anyone who wants to explore an alternate way of being! An opportunity that speaks to our essence."
Further info: Lori Truax 780-240-1832