Rachelle’s welcoming energy combined with her heartfelt sincerity makes the depth of the material apparent and thoroughly enjoyable. Don’t change anything. Thank you Rachelle!
Mark Jowett,
ICA Associates
I appreciated Rachelle’s 'realness'. Lots of workshops are staid and too professional. She knew how to speak to our group and I saw a lot of heads nodding in agreement.
Maureen Maclennan
Program Coordinator, Community Life Program
This is pretty powerful stuff . . . and is definitely worth pursuing. Incorporating these practices in our interactions would reduce misunderstandings and conflict in the workplace.
J. Paul Vienneau,
A. Director
Poetry, presence and humanity ..
Rachelle brings a passion for life-giving language that she shares in the service of inspiring others to choose words that incite not just personal but global change.
Jacqueline Kellam
Arriving with an open heart and finding out that NVC could stretch and open so much more was an unexpected and joyous gift. To be able to move beyond simple surface analysis to true spirit connection was absolutely great for me.
Ken Crawford,
Project Manager
This puts a whole new twist on communication, or what you thought was communicating. This is the best course I’ve come across that will help me listen and truly connect with another.
Susan Fontaine,
Sr. HR Consultant
Rachelle's fearless vulnerability brings a unique stamp to her trainings and her intuitive delivery makes the concepts readily absorbable into natural speech. Don't miss an opportunity to learn from her!
Beth Wilks
Rachelle’s presentation was truly the most helpful and valuable for me. Beyond understanding and tools, I now have hope and encouragement. This week’s learning is just what I needed at this time. Others in my family will benefit Thank you so much!
Jim Sloboda
Rachelle's workshop provided me with profound insight on how to more genuinely connect with individuals, both within work and personal settings. My appreciation to you, Rachelle, for sharing your knowledge, skills with our team.
Vera Lagasse,
A workshop with Rachelle is a most valuable experience for anyone that wants to be more humane in this world. Rachelle is clearly passionate and an exceptional teacher in the art of communication. Sign up for any of her workshops .. you won't regret it!!
Judi Trost
Feldenkrais Method
Rachelle's NVC workshop is a helpful, soulful experience. She teaches us how to communicate in a manner that is in sync with our deeper, authentic side, clearing the way for connection and genuine progress.
Leslie Campbell
Founder & Editor, Focus Magazine
I am so thrilled to experience NVC at home and in my work! Even through my beginner use of NVC, doors are opening to the hearts of my clients, and I am feeling revitalized which is just what I so needed. Thank you so much for all you taught, gave and modeled.
Anne Wissler
Psychotherapist, Yoga Instructor
Awesome! Highly recommended. The most inspiring and relevant interpersonal communication course I’ve attended.
Lorne Mayes
Team Leader
This model provides a clear approach to a very important manner of communication. I’ll use it in my home, work and church environment.
Sally L. Godard Psychiatrist
Every other program has a disclaimer “take what you need and leave the rest”. I can “take” all of this! Thank you!
Sue Aschim