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Befriending Conflict

  • Vancouver BC, The Hollyhock Room #400 – 163 W Hastings St Vancouver, BC, V6B 1H5 Canada (map)

How is it that communication exchanges between well intentioned people become so habitually problematic? How do we make sense of so much negativity and hostility arising between people when we are ultimately wired for sociability and cooperation? Whether we wish it or not, what we say and how we say it determines whether our relationships become battlegrounds, or fruit bearing gardens. And one of the greatest challenges is to not lose track of what goes underground, the very things that keep relationships alive and thriving, when ‘insistent’ or ‘demanding’ speech become the ‘modus operandi’.

Join Rachelle as she shares how to effectively get off the treadmill of playing the game “Who’s Right” and into a place where generative exchanges can unfold with high mutual regard and deep caring.

Rachelle Lamb is a speaker, writer, spiritual activist and ‘relationship whisperer’. For over two decades, she has worked in the field of interpersonal relating and conflict resolution, employing wisdom and practices found studying cultural anthropology, spirituality, nonviolent communication (certified trainer 2003), social justice, activism, deep ecology, mythology, poetry and storytelling.

Registration: Hollyhock Vancouver